...This Blog has been created for my teachers, friends, students, family, or anyone else who is interested in my trip to Europe this spring. This is a sort of cultural and political experiment. I have designed this blog to be for everyone. Post headings are in orange (most recent at the top). All post headings are numbered to keep track. Click on pictures to blow ´em up.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ronda post 15

Our group went to a small town called Ronda last Saturday. The town itself is pretty small, but it is ancient. Ronda is popular for two main things: The fact that it is supposedly the origin of Bullfighting, and also that there is a huge gorge that runs through the center of town. We didnt get to see anything that pertained to bullfighting, but geographically, Ronda is probably the most interesting town I have seen. So this will be another picture blog. But be prepared for some heavier content after I return from La Feria in Sevilla this coming weekend.

The Catholic Kings Isabel and Ferdinand had a hell of a time taking this city from the Muslims because of it´s geography. The bridge seen here is a newer addition (17th century I think) and is really pretty massive.
The area above the central arch is a Jail that was used up until the 1950´s

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