Wow, I have a lot to learn about travel.
These posts are pretty short because I am having to pay to use the internet. They dont have usb ports so there will be plenty of pics later.

Since my train was six hours late, I arrived in Chicago at 11:00 at night. My plan was to somehow find transportation to a couchsurfers house where I was staying. My cabbie did not know the street that I told him so he ended up dropping me off about 4 blocks away. I only had a general knowledge of my whereabouts as I walked around Southern Chicago in a slushstorm. I did end up finding Adams house, and he was very nice and very inviting. The whole time before I arrived I thought that I would have no problem getting from pt. A to pt. B. This is because I dont know anything about big cities.
Adam gave me a ride to the public transport and I hung out in Chicago until touring IIT (which i didnt like at all.) Chicago is awesome. Chicago has an exeptional ( and cheap) public transport system and I spent the rest of the day riding it around eventually to O'hare Airport.

Arrival in Ireland
I met up with my roomate phil and we boarded our flight to Shannon (Aer Lingus service was exceptional). We got in at about 7 am yesterday (feb 14). We rented a car (I got shafted cause I didnt read the fine print) and set off for Limerick. It is absolutely one of the most bizzare things to drive on the left hand side of the road. I think we were on the verge of accident a few times, but all in all we had a great time driving to our hotel. (Ireland has loops called roundabouts instead of exit ramps, which are halarious) Upon our arrival at Two Miles Hotel me and Phil were very fatigued. Jet lag coupled with almost no sleep in 36 hours makes for an interesting time. We ate some beefstew and drank some Guinness before we fell asleep at 3pm. We both feel great after 14 hours of sleep and ready to take on Ireland. I cant wait to get a conversation going with an Irishman or lassie. Pics to come
5$ chicago rail and bus pass all day
3$ loaf of bread at panderia in chi
16$ meals on train (its funny to watch the waitresses on the wobbly train)
20$ batteries and misc.
4 E guinnesses (4)
7 E beefstew
67 E hotel (spit in two)

These posts are pretty short because I am having to pay to use the internet. They dont have usb ports so there will be plenty of pics later.
Since my train was six hours late, I arrived in Chicago at 11:00 at night. My plan was to somehow find transportation to a couchsurfers house where I was staying. My cabbie did not know the street that I told him so he ended up dropping me off about 4 blocks away. I only had a general knowledge of my whereabouts as I walked around Southern Chicago in a slushstorm. I did end up finding Adams house, and he was very nice and very inviting. The whole time before I arrived I thought that I would have no problem getting from pt. A to pt. B. This is because I dont know anything about big cities.
Adam gave me a ride to the public transport and I hung out in Chicago until touring IIT (which i didnt like at all.) Chicago is awesome. Chicago has an exeptional ( and cheap) public transport system and I spent the rest of the day riding it around eventually to O'hare Airport.
Arrival in Ireland
I met up with my roomate phil and we boarded our flight to Shannon (Aer Lingus service was exceptional). We got in at about 7 am yesterday (feb 14). We rented a car (I got shafted cause I didnt read the fine print) and set off for Limerick. It is absolutely one of the most bizzare things to drive on the left hand side of the road. I think we were on the verge of accident a few times, but all in all we had a great time driving to our hotel. (Ireland has loops called roundabouts instead of exit ramps, which are halarious) Upon our arrival at Two Miles Hotel me and Phil were very fatigued. Jet lag coupled with almost no sleep in 36 hours makes for an interesting time. We ate some beefstew and drank some Guinness before we fell asleep at 3pm. We both feel great after 14 hours of sleep and ready to take on Ireland. I cant wait to get a conversation going with an Irishman or lassie. Pics to come
5$ chicago rail and bus pass all day
3$ loaf of bread at panderia in chi
16$ meals on train (its funny to watch the waitresses on the wobbly train)
20$ batteries and misc.
4 E guinnesses (4)
7 E beefstew
67 E hotel (spit in two)
Hi Chris!!!,
it sounds like ur having fun!
hey shan
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