...This Blog has been created for my teachers, friends, students, family, or anyone else who is interested in my trip to Europe this spring. This is a sort of cultural and political experiment. I have designed this blog to be for everyone. Post headings are in orange (most recent at the top). All post headings are numbered to keep track. Click on pictures to blow ´em up.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Leaving Mandan- post 2

Welcome back everyone. Much of the info I am giving you might seem quite personal. Frankly I do not care. The traveling begins.

Itinerary (all currency is American Dollars)

-Depart Minot, ND, U.S.A on Feb 11 (today) arrive in Chicago at 4:00 pm on tuesday $90

- Meet my roomate and fly out of Chicago to Shannon Ireland on Wednesday $215

-Rent a car in Ireland for five days $87

-Fly out of Dublin on feb 18 into Berlin $57

-5 day Unlimited Rail in Germany $212

-Fly out of Frankfurt Germany to Madrid, Spain $25

-Total duration of pre-Spain journey- feb. 18 to feb 26

Total Transportation costs- about $700- I am told that this is the travel offseason and that these rates are much cheaper than usual. It took awhile to find these prices but I would be happy to recomend some websites to prospective travelers. (thank you James Fox)

Costs thusfar

Tuition at the Universidad de Granada + room and board at the house of Sra. Pilar + program excurions= $7500

Travel to (see above)=$700

Most of this money came from student loans (whoops) and savings.

I checked my balance at the bank today: I have $3016 in available funds that must last me until June. We have not arranged all of our lodging for Ireland and Germany; so this is bound to get interesting. The bright side is that I do not have to pay rent and I can live on $0 per day as soon as I arrive in Spain if need be.


I managed to stuff everything I need for the next four months into the two bags you see above. The small bag is my carry- on and contains toiletries, a pillow, books, my passport, papers, etc. The larger contains clothing, gifts, footwear, sleeping bag. I guess about 60 lbs total.

My roomate and I have concluded that the best way to travel europe is with backpacks. Suitcases are less mobile; and as this journey is quite impromptu, we will enjoy the flexiblility of packs. But I really dont know because I have never backpacked before.


I am a little ticked because my train is 6 hours delayed. This means I get to depart Minot tonight at 3 am instead of 9:30 pm. In any matter I am pretty exited to finally leave. Tommorow I will arrive in Chicago and couchsurf some gracious man's couch named Adam. (http://www.couchsurfing.com/) Pics to come.


Anonymous said...

NICE....nervous yet?

Kimberly_S said...

Which one of those bags is with me in them?