...This Blog has been created for my teachers, friends, students, family, or anyone else who is interested in my trip to Europe this spring. This is a sort of cultural and political experiment. I have designed this blog to be for everyone. Post headings are in orange (most recent at the top). All post headings are numbered to keep track. Click on pictures to blow ´em up.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Leaving UND- post 1

For those of you who do not know, I am a University Sophomore (19 years of age) originally from Mandan, North Dakota, U.S.A. After I graduated high school in 2006 I attended the University of North Dakota. I majored in Mechanical Engineering while attending Air Force ROTC with hopes at becoming a Military Aviator. These plans faltered and my studies became very eclectic (Spanish, Art, Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, etc.) I have now chosen to study Architecture.
In the past months, I have also grown an interest in world culture. Let us first observe my native culture. I am concerned that Americans have allowed the health of thier minds, bodies, and spirits decay into a primitive existance charictorized by violence, abuse of sexuality, glorification of warfare, gluttany, and lethargy. Although mainstream American culture is not really a true depiction of how all Americans choose to live thier lives, I find that it has crept its way into our youth. It is not diffucult to find examples of how children and young adults have emulated what they have seen on pop culture television and what they have heard in pop music. It is my belief that Americans grow more and more materialistic and superficial, shunning what they have deeply known to be truthful: modesty, self denial, hard work for goals, family devotion, and honesty. I do not decieve myself: I am guilty of this. Although I have these serious misgivings for my culture, I still have much love for this nation. Our society is still one of great, great opportunity to those who will find it. We still enjoy many liberties and reap the bounty this country offers us.
I thirst not to find a new culture, but to expand my knowledge of what a healthy and wholesome society should be. I do not expect either to find such a perfect example in any European society, but I do seek to find new cultural ideas that have been lost to this nation during the past century or so. I do not hope to find revelation in four short months, but I do expect to learn something; and possibly teach this to anyone of you who chooses to humor me.
Politics aside, this blog is also for beginner and expert travelers alike. I am a severly inexperienced traveler planning an semi-improptu journey through Ireland and Germany before my arrival in Spain. My roomate (just as experienced as I) has chosen to cut classes at UND for two weeks (thanks Phil) and is my sole accomplice in Germany and Ireland. Upon my arrival in Spain I am pretty much alone: My Spanish is intermediate at best, I have no cellphone to bail me out (not that it would matter anyway because I have no friends, family, or aquaintances in Spain), and to boot I have limited money. I plan on letting you, the audience, in on everything: How much money I am starting out with, precisely what and how I am packing, where I stay, the places I visit, how much sleep I have gotten, the relationships I build, how much money I spend, what I drink, what I eat, etc.
My trip begins (sort of) as I leave Grand Forks permenantly. I would like to thank everyone who was a part of my life in Grand Forks: I had a kick ass three semesters with you all. Although I worry that some of you need an intervention (you know who you are) :) Special thanks for all of you who helped drain my keg at the going away party. Special thanks to my roomate Phil for tolerating my outspoken and boisterous demeanor (go Ron Paul). Extra special thanks to Kim.
The real journey begins on Monday the 11th when my train departs from Minot to Chicago. Next post will be all about Itinerary (plans of trip), money, and packing. All photos from Grand Forks. If you would like to comment click on the "0 comments" button below.Dont be afraid to sound off.


Kimberly_S said...

Sweet blog Chris. I hope your euro/Spain trip is fun, I cant wait to see pictures!

C.B. Stratton said...

I'm ganna miss you buddy. Give me a call before you depart the U.S. ok.

Kimberly_S said...

If you meet a spainish speaking girl, she better be 10 time better looking than me. ;D

Anonymous said...

Chris this is a Sweet Blog I cant wait to read up on your trip...I wish you and Phil the best in your travels...Please let us in on some awesome stories